Bartoz Hetmanczuk has now achieved gold installer
Following on from his Bronze engineer award in November, Central Crane Technician's Bartoz Hetmanczuk has now achieved GOLD certified installer. A Gold Certified Installer has an FSC-S and FSC-M/H supervised set-up certificate, an ALLMI operator’s certificate and an ALLMI thorough inspector’s certificate. Certified Installers are able to perform the supporting basics, including use of service laptop, FASSITEC for information and software, FSC component identification, IE742 installation wiring and MOL system. Certified Installers can also perform pre-delivery inspection and operator familiarisation using FASSI checklists.
The FASSI training academy is a structured training and coaching program leading to Bronze, Silver and Gold skills accreditation once the necessary skills have been demonstrated. It represents an investment in the independent crane installation, service & repair sector of which FASSI UK, through our authorised network, is the most vigorous supporter & promoter amongst the major manufacturers. There are 86 engineers enrolled in the FASSI training academy nationally.
Author: Central Crane Technicians